Monday, March 05, 2012

Ann Romney is Worth "A Few Caddilacs"

I really liked Cavuto's observation that the Cadillac's which were mentioned were not for Romney, but for Ann. And that she was worth them. To me, the "national Caddilac outrage" is a bit too similar to this episode of Seinfeld, where Jerry gives his dad Morty a Cadillac as a gift, and the homeowners association balks at it, lead by Jack Klompus.

The best part of the episode (not in the clip below) is when Jerry convinces his parents to go to the steakhouse AFTER the early bird special hours. They pull in to the steakhouse, and happen to run into Jack and his entourage. Jack notices the time and mentions how the Seinfelds are rolling up in their "Nice new Cadillac" and says "must be have that kind of money".

Of course, the end of the episode is a classic with Morty having to resign his post as association president over the "Caddy-gate" incident.