Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Merry Christmas

Hi Family and friends,
Being the political junkey that I am, and loving the Christ in Christmas, I hope you will enjoy this old time favorite Christmas poem.

"We should be too big to take offense, and too noble to give it."
Abraham Lincoln
Nevin Limburg, CEcD
Business Development Manager
Economic Development / Redevelopment Agency
West Valley City, Utah
Office:  801-963-3322
cell: 801-232-0542

Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 08:54:25 -0800
From: winbroadhurst@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: FW: Merry Christmas
To: g_ahlborn@hotmail.com; ajudithadams@yahoo.com; ken@lightstonestudios.com; carterbetty_tom@bellsouth.net; blaineogilvie@gmail.com; jerbroadhurst@yahoo.com; kbroadhurst@ncdoj.gov; prestonbroadhurst@yahoo.com; osarbears@yahoo.com; colinoldtally@hotmail.com; cyndy1226@msn.com; jacksden@embarqmail.com; glarmore@shoreappliances.com; gator_girl_ebbi@yahoo.com; gary.maag@caogroup.com; gradygreene@msn.com; holley.sharon@gmail.com; infinityandbeyond@mstar2.net; jananntann@comcast.net; jtr93@embarqmail.com; kellyandjax@yahoo.com; leliapjones@gmail.com; shimasheets@yahoo.com; nevinlimburg@hotmail.com; maxman@atc.cc; waynemassey02@comcast.net


BOBBY JOHNS <rejco@bellsouth.net> wrote:
From: "" BOBBY JOHNS "" <rejco@bellsouth.net>
To: footlogs@peoplepc.com (Walt Woodbridge), rwaters_se1@comcast.net (Ron Waters), karmen32061@bellsouth.net (karmen tyre), NanaBird4418@aol.com (Shirley Thomas), retroreflect@bellsouth.net (SHELTON RYALS), thepreacherman@hotmail.com (Henry & Gloria Rogers), annetter@mmrcrehab.org (Annette Richardson), vickie_johns@yahoo.com (Vickie Johns Durrance), sigmaj@hughes.net (Scott Johns), h3three@bellsouth.net (Henry Haggerty), kcrforce@nefcom.net (Richard & Kay Force), chaunceync@yahoo.com (Nancy Chauncey), winbroadhurst@yahoo.com (Win Broadhurst), raydellbass@bellsouth.net (Margie Bass), ragreene1@windstream.net (R. A. Greene), jacksden@embarqmail.com (jack), bettyknapp@comcast.net (betty knapp)
Subject: FW: Merry Christmas
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 15:05:11 +0000

Subject: Merry Christmas
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 03:07:39 +0000

----- Original Message -----

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  This is very creative!!


Subject: Merry Christmas

T'was the month before Christmas

'Twas the month before Christmas
When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying
Nor taking a stand.
See the PC Police had taken away,
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.
The children were told by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.
It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
December 25th is just a 'Holiday.'

Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!
CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod
Something was changing, something quite odd!
Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanza
In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.
As Targets were hanging their trees upside down
At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.
At K-Mart and Staples and Penney's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.

Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty
Are words that were used to intimidate me.
Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen
On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton!
At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.
And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace.

The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.
So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'
Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.
Choose your words carefully, choose what you say
Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holiday!
Rosemary Bennett
5301 White Ibis Court
North Port, FL 34287


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Sunday, November 25, 2007


Dear friend,

Greetings, I am Mrs. Setia Cindy, a widow to Late Sheik Mohammed Setia, I am 66years old, suffering from long time cancer of the breast. From all indications my condition is really deteriorating and it's quite obvious that I won't live more than Six months according to my doctors. This is because the damage the cancer has done to me is very bad .My late husband was killed during the US raid against terrorism in Afghanistan, and during the period of our blissful marriage we couldn't produce any child of our own. My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his business and wealth.

The doctor has advised me that I may not live for more than Six months and that it is only by the power of God [Allah] that can determine my life span, so I now decided to divide part of this wealth, to contribute to the development of the less privileged and poor in Africa, America, Asia and Europe.

I selected you after visiting the website and I prayed over it, I am willing to donate the sum of $1.5000,000.00 Million U.S Dollars to you for the less privileged. Please I want you to note that, this fund is lying in a security Firm and upon my instruction, you will file in an application for the transfer of the money in your name. Am currently here in Africa receiving treatment and the fund is also in a security company here.

Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when transferred will be used for the said purpose, and not otherwise. if you are interested kindly contact my lawyer Mr Mustapha Bello through is Email and Tel number:


May God {Allah} be with you and your family.

I await your response.

 Mrs.Setia Cindy

Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See how.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Garth, Eric, and Tijis,
Morris shows his true bias against Romney in this article.  I am sick of it.  He says, "Romney doesn't have a chance in hell to beat Hillary."  That only means to me that Morris has been there, to hell.  How can we stop this dope?  Please in the article do your vote by newsmax.  And give me your opinions, please.  It is a credit to Romney that he has good leads in Iowa, NH, and Michigan, and tied now in So Carolina.  Hillary "chewing him up and spitting him out"?  Are you kidding me?  He doesn't know Mitt Romney.

"We should be too big to take offense, and too noble to give it."
Abraham Lincoln
Nevin Limburg, CEcD
Business Development Manager
Economic Development / Redevelopment Agency
West Valley City, Utah
Office:  801-963-3322
cell: 801-232-0542

Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 14:55:52 -0600
To: nevinlimburg@hotmail.com
From: dickmorrisreports@dickmorris.com



Published on TheHill.com on November 14, 2007.

Printer-Friendly Version

Even as he continues to hold a convincing lead in the national race, Rudy Giuliani may be riding for a big fall in Iowa and the other early state primaries. Mitt Romney, despite his anemic national showing, could sweep Iowa, New Hampshire and Michigan, a trifecta that could give him s uch momentum as to sweep him to the nomination.

The numbers are scary for Giuliani (and since Mitt doesn't have a prayer in hell of beating Hillary in a general election, scary for us all). While he holds a lead in the national polls (Giuliani 30, Thompson 17, McCain 15, Romney 12, Huckabee 9 — all data is from the average of the past five polls posted on www.realclearpolitics.com), he is trailing badly in all the early states.

In Iowa, the first caucus, it's Romney 29, Huckabee 15, Giuliani 13, Thompson 12, McCain 8. And New Hampshire isn't much better. There it's Romney also in the lead with 32 percent, Rudy a distant second at 21 percent, McCain at 16 percent, Huckabee at 7 percent and Thompson at 5 percent. And Michigan, which might be just a few days after New Hampshire, shows Romney also in the lead at 25 percent with Rudy at 20 percent.

 GOP Internet Primary Starts Now . . . Vote Today - Go Here Now! So what will happen to Giuliani if he loses Iowa, New Hampshire and Michigan? South Carolina, the most conservative state in the nation, won't be a stopper for him (he currently is tied with Romney at 19 percent, with Thompson at 18 percent). If he loses the first three contests, he'll get creamed there.

The question will then become: Can Florida hold for Rudy? Right now, he has a comfortable 33-16 lead over Romney, but how will his candidacy fare after four straight crushing defeats?

Rudy has brought this crisis on himself by foolishly running no television ads in any of the early primary or caucus states while Romney has advertised for six to eight months. In a classic hare-versus-tortoise scenari o, Giuliani waited so long to show his colors on television that Romney may have built up an insurmountable lead in the interim.

Rudy could still bounce back in Iowa if he gets his act together there and at least make it close. More possible would be for Huckabee, who has been surging with no money, to close with Romney and win in Iowa. Mike's consistent pro-life position contrasts sharply with Mitt's flip-flop-flip on the issue and could propel Huckabee ahead of Romney, particularly in light of the former Arkansas governor's announcement that he is going to spend $1 million on Iowa ads.

But if Romney wins in Iowa, he will certainly win in New Hampshire — where he already leads — and in Michigan, where his father was governor and he has been working hard. Coming into Florida with that kind of momentum will make it very hard for Giuliani to come back.

But not impossible. National front-runners like Rudy and Hillary can survi ve shocks along the road, recover their balance and go on to win. Bill Clinton lost New Hampshire in 1992 and George W. Bush lost it in 2000, but each ended up doing pretty well. A candidate who is back in the polls usually can be knocked out by an adverse result in an early caucus or primary. But a front-runner usually has to be defeated one state at a time in dozens of states to be upended.

Republicans might recover their senses in time and realize that with Hillary on the ballot for the Democrats (most likely) it is no time to experiment with America's tolerance and see if a Mormon can be elected president. With only 36 percent of the nation's voters saying one can prevail, it would be an uphill fight. Is this truly the year the GOP wants to be saddled with a latter-day version of Al Smith in 1928? More to the point, Hillary would eat alive and spit out Romney by attacking his total inexperience in foreign policy and his current pro-life position. She won't even need the anti-Mormon bigots to beat him.

So Republicans might pause to reconsider what they are about to do before they hand Romney the nomination. But with the extremely short lead time between Iowa and the rest of the nation's primaries, who knows if there is enough time to stem such momentum?
GOP Internet Primary Starts Now . . . Vote Today - Go Here Now!




***Copyright Eileen McGann and Dick Morris 2007.  Reprints with permission only***

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

This Prayer

"We should be too big to take offense, and too noble to give it."
Abraham Lincoln
Nevin Limburg, CEcD

  This Pastor Has Guts
and may the Good Lord Bless his ministries
It seems prayer still upsets some
people. Please read....

WhenMinister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas
Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this
is what they heard;

"Heavenly Father,
We come before you today
to ask for your forgiveness and

to seek your direction and guidance.
We know Your Word says,
"Woe to those who call evil good"

But that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium
and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor
And called it the lottery.

We have rewarded laziness
And called it welfare.

We have killed our unborn
and called it choice.

We have shot abortionists
and called it justifiable.

We have neglected to discipline our children
And called it building self esteem.

We have abused power
And called it politics.

We have coveted our neighbor's Possessions
and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air with profanity and Pornography
and called it Freedom of speech and expression.

We have ridiculed the time Honored values of our Forefathers
and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God,
And know our hearts today;
Cleanse us from every sin
And set us free.

The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out
during the prayer in protest.

In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor,
logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls
responding negatively.
The church is now receiving international requests
for copies of this prayer from India , Africa and Korea .

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio Program, "The
Rest of the Story," and received a larger response to this program than
any other he has ever aired.

With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our Nation and
wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called
"One Nation Under God."

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Dear Friend,
I am Mrs. Lioc Joseph Estrada, wife of the ex President of the Philippines located in South East Asia.
My husband was elected President of the Philippines in 1998. He is the 13th president of the republic from June 30, 1998 to January 20, 2001.
Ousted on January 20 2001 as Philippine President in a bloodless people's revolt that came to be known as Edsa II. The revolution was sparked by the accusation of his close buddy, Ilocos Sur governor Chavit Singson on October of 2000 that he was receiving bribe money from illegal gambling.
My husband was impeached from office on November of 2000 by the Philippine Congress,
led by then-House Speaker Manuel 'Manny' Villar who was later elected as a Philippine Senator, for corruption and bribery.My husband's trial in the Senate was marred on January 16 2001 when pro-administration senators blocked the presentation of key piece of evidence, leading to protests in Manila and other major cities that led to the fall of my husband government.
On April 2001 (three months after vacating the Malacanang), My husband was arrested and imprisoned along with his my eldest son and then-San Juan Mayor Jinggoy for several counts of perjury and plunder. This detention triggered a series of protests that culminated in two events, the so-called (and much debated) Edsa III and the failed May 1 rebellion, where My husband supporters stormed Malacañang in a bid to oust current Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
presently (September 2007) After a trial that lasted six years, My husband was convicted of taking bribes and kickbacks while he was president of the Philippines. He was sentenced to life in prison, and ordered to forfeit a mansion and more than 15 million dollars.
During my husband's regime as president of Philippines, I realized some reasonable amount of money from various deals that I successfully executed. I have plans to invest this money for my children's future, I secretly siphoned the sum of (Thirty million United states dollars) out of Philippines and deposited the funds with a Security firm that transports valuable goods and such deposits (consignment) through diplomatic means.
I am contacting you to assist me claim these funds on my behalf from the security company since I have declared that the consignment belongs to my foreign business partner. You shall also be required to assist me in investment in your country. I sincerely hope that you are a trustworthy person who will not sit on these funds after claim, rather than assist me properly.
I expect you to declare what percentage of the total fund you will take for your assistance.
When I receive your positive response; you will receive the contact details of my representative designate who will guide you and furnish you with details of how this transaction will be commenced and brought to fruition with details of the security company, all necessary documents that will be obtained and the release pin code which is imperative to claim of the funds.
For now, let all our communication be via e-mail or fax because my phone lines are all under taps as connected to the Philippines Telecommunication Network services which the government is monitoring closely.
Please, furnish me with your telephone and fax numbers, to enable my representative designate contact you with more details as soon as I receive your much anticipated response with the email address as thus:
( mrsjliocestrada@aol.com )
Fax Number: 0063-2-857-2217
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Lioc Estrada.

Monday, November 05, 2007

RE: My Utes Marvel on my screen & the fun begins

That would take the Cougs getting past TCU this Thursday, (37-0) Saturday against New Mex., then the Cowboys in LaVelle's favorite place, Laramie, then Utah, where the Utes are 5 of 6 the last six times in Provo, then SDSU, which beat Wyo on Saturday.  Tough Order!  Cougs beat CSU Saturday by 16 at home, Utah beat them in Colorado by 24.  Shaping up to be a great game November 24th.  I cheer for BYU to win all their games except the one with Utah.  But picking?  I give the Y a 5-1 mark in the conference going into the Utah game, and the Utes 5-2, and when Utah wins there, the Utes tie with BYU for the title, but get the first place nod having beaten BYU, so likely get to go to the wonderful big bowl in Vegas.  Very Possible!  Then the Y beats SDSU and ends up 8-4 for the season and gets another wonderful Poinsetta or Armed Forces Bowl.  What say ye?

"We should be too big to take offense, and too noble to give it."
Abraham Lincoln
Nevin Limburg, CEcD
Business Development Manager
Economic Development / Redevelopment Agency
West Valley City, Utah
Office:  801-963-3322
cell: 801-232-0542

> Subject: Re: My Utes Marvel on my screen
> From: jimmiechesh@myldsmail.net
> To: nevinlimburg@hotmail.com
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 21:33:29 +0000
> try 10-2 (8-0) back to back years.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nevin Limburg <nevinlimburg@hotmail.com>
> To: Tijs Limburg <tijis311@gmail.com>, Eric Limburg <dmx311@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 13:55:32 -0600
> Subject: My Utes Marvel on my screen
> Agreed, Nephew. It is already my screensaver at work. Go Utes! 5-0 streak. 9-3 season! Whit the coach of the year! Mack first string all conference running back! Tate first string! Sukoda All American! Beadles first string pancake man! and the list goes on.......Uncle Nevin
> Nevin Limburg, CEcDBusiness Development ManagerEconomic Development / Redevelopment AgencyWest Valley City, UtahOffice: 801-963-3322
> cell: 801-232-0542
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:11:08 -0600From: tijis311@gmail.comTo: dmx311@gmail.comSubject: Re: Happy HalloweenCC: achatelain@siretechnologies.com; AlphaAlumni@googlegroups.com; amber.tuckness@granite.k12.ut.us; andrewhmaximus@hotmail.com; annashton77@yahoo.com; bvanderlinden@co.summit.ut.us; bjvan75@gmail.com; brandags@brandags.com; bcharles22@gmail.com; bclark23@gmail.com; hillierhln@yahoo.com; Kim.Cheshire@va.gov; elliotclark@hotmail.com; j.nunez@utah.edu; jimmiechesh@myldsmail.net; janeclark56@hotmail.com; jasonlefler1@gmail.com; joel.ertel@gmail.com; karchatl11@yahoo.com; jlcheshire1@hotmail.com; materngary@hotmail.com; matt@starboundrecords.com; beaner230112@yahoo.com; megyat@yahoo.com; nyrmmike@yahoo.com; rmnate@yahoo.com; nskanchy@gmail.com; nevinlimburg@hotmail.com; nikkers2000@yahoo.com; owenclark@netzero.net; r.e.schmitty@gmail.com; stait@aero-graphics.com; Shane.Clark@va.gov; sistalimburg@myldsmail.net; tedashton@stcdigital.com; jobrahms@hotmail.com; garth.limburg@slcgov.com; bruceg@chpdc.com
> Dude, that is AWESOME! I set it as my background at work...to add to our very halloween atmosphere we have right now.
> Thanks,
> Tijs
> On 10/31/07, Eric Limburg <dmx311@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hope "U" all have a Happy Halloween! (see attached picture)
> Eric Limburg-PresidentDMX, Digital Media eXceleron Inc.www.dmxed.com-Home Entertainment- -Business IT- -Networks- -Sound/Recording EngineereXceleron Records and DJ Service www.eXedmusic.com(801) 938-5DMX office (801) 633-2239 cell -- Tijs LimburgChairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.Get eXcited!www.dmxed.com Blogs:http://phystrings.blogspot.com/http://getoutofthedark.blogspot.com/The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.
> _________________________________________________________________
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Friday, November 02, 2007

FW: Evangelicals are Rallying Support for Romney

Dear Family and Friends,
I am passing this one along to you, because I think it is the best endorsement letter I have seen yet in this important presidential election.  Please take a look at it and then if you feel so inclined, pass it on to others.
With love and friendship,
Nevin Limburg

Nevin Limburg, CEcD
Business Development Manager
Economic Development / Redevelopment Agency
West Valley City, Utah
Office:  801-963-3322
cell: 801-232-0542

Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 08:30:05 -0600
From: tijis311@gmail.com
To: garth.limburg@ci.slc.ut.us; dmx311@gmail.com; nevinlimburg@hotmail.com; bcharles22@gmail.com
Subject: Evangelicals are Rallying Support for Romney

Here is a letter addressed to Conservative & Evangelical Leaders from Mark DeMoss urging them to consider Romney for President.  I read the entire letter, and I think it is well written and can't come at a better time for Mitt, with less than 100 days until the primary elections:
Pass this one on.
Tijs Limburg  
Merchant Fraud, SLC

Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
Get eXcited!


The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.

Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You! Get 'em!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ron Paul - A Disaster for America

Ron Paul's Ideas Illogical

It was when I first heard of Ron Paul rejecting the idea of international trade and wanting to block trucks coming north from Mexico from entering the country, which is now allowed, that I wondered why he would attempt to run for president.

I then heard him say that the Federal Reserve was unconstitutional, unnecessary, and the cause for the "worthless" dollar.  I say worthless because his statistic of the dollar being worth 4 cents for every 1920s dollar would make everyone think just that.

However, consider this.  We have all heard our grandparents tell of a bottle of coke costing $0.05 in 1920.  This is confirmed by most recorded accounts. (see http://www.foodtimeline.org/foodfaq5.html#cocacola)  

Sounds pretty cheap, eh?  Especially compared to the price of a similar bottle of Coke at $1 today.  However, further analysis proves sightly different.  Many analysts estimate the average wage in 1920 to have been somewhere around $30 a month.  So lets estimate that to $1 a day in 1920s dollars.  To buy a Coke, it took 5% of your gross daily income.  

In today's terms, let's use the minimum wage of $5.85 in today's dollars to compare to the daily wage of $1.  Working a full time job at minimum wage, you would earn $46.8 gross.  (It should also be noted that many workers in 1920 probably worked longer than 8 hours a day.)  So in those terms, the cost of a $1 Coke of today takes just over 2% of your daily gross income to buy.  In effect, the cost of a Coke today is 238% less than it was previously.

Which would you rather have?  A Coke for $0.05 costing 5% of your daily wage, or a $1 Coke costing 2%?

Another argument that Ron Paul brings to his campaign is the idea of doing away with the Federal Reserve.  Such a move would be ridiculous.  Since its formation in the post 1929 crash era, the Federal Reserve has insured that we have not suffered  a depression as the one experienced at that time.  This is even more important considering the 1987 Crash -Of which this current month is the 20th anniversary. 

The 1987 Crash was the worst in US history.  The Dow fell a whopping 23% in one day, out-shadowing the 1929 Crash.  However, the Federal Reserve was in large part responsible for keeping the economy from going into a depression.  In fact, if you were to have bought shares after the 1987 crash, you would likely be up ten fold today -A much different result than in 1929, when by July of 1932, the Dow had lost 89%, and did not close above the peak level in 1929 until nearly 25 years later in 1954.

How can someone who is running for president justify his stance on dissolving institutions such as the Federal Reserve?  And more disturbingly, how can even 1% of the Republican voters be following him? (according to the latest Fox News poll.)

I think the economy will develop into a very important issue for 2008.  I just hope that the rest of the 99% of voters, republican or democrat, will be more informed of the workings of economics.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Dick:  I read your newsletters religiously and tune into Fox News whenever you are featured there.  I respect your opinions and great knowledge of politics.  You state in your current newsletter, " The most recent polling suggests that while a majority of voters agree that "other Americans" would be amenable to a black or female candidate for president, only 36 percent feel that way about a Mormon. Unjustified. Unfair. Outrageous as it is — it nevertheless is."  I am a Mormon and I agree that it is unfair and prejudicial that people feel this way about Mormons.  But, why is this?  I must point out and I hope you will research this yourself is that for many decades Baptist Ministers, of which Gov. Huckabee is one, have preached to their congregations vile, hate, and lies regarding the Mormons and their beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, sacred temple ceremonies, and that Mormons are nothing but a cult religion.  Indeed, I had a close relative lynched and murdered while on a Mormon mission in the State of Georgia in 1880.  Is it any wonder then that so many people with so much misinformation and vile speech from these ministers of religion feel the way they do about Mormons? 


What I want to know and what every American should know about Gov. Huckabee is what has he said in the past about the Mormons as a Baptist Minister? I will be pleasantly surprised if he had anything good to say.  If Gov. Huckabee gets the Republican Nomination for President as you suggest that he should then I guarantee you his past feelings and comments about Mormons are fair game and they will be vetted by Mormons and Democrats alike.  Democrats will certainly vet him on this issue because they will want to convince Mormons that the party that rejected Romney as a candidate is not the party for Mormons to support with a nominee like Huckabee who trashed Mormons and their beliefs in the past.  Remember, Mormons have been the single largest religious group to support President Bush and is now the fourth largest denomination in North America.  I would suggest that you and others encourage Gov. Huckabee to come clean on the Mormon issue now and reveal what he has told and preached to other Baptists about Mormons and their beliefs. 


Thanks for your time.   Garth Limburg


I feel I must, once again, comment on your assessment of Romney.  Dick, he did not just "conveniently" become pro-life to join the frey to become a Presidential candidate.  As he has said publicly, he became solid pro life when he saw how the left was using the pro choice arguments for partial birth abortions and other extremist views and issues.  In his heart, he is and always has been pro life, which is the position of his Church that he is an ardent member of.  What is at the root of your dislike of Romney?  I have been trying to figure it out, as have members of my family who read your columns and newletters.  Did he anger you along the way sometime ago?  Did he turn you down as a consultant?  What is it?  Huckaby is a fine man, but he is not the only choice conservatives have.  Mitt Romney is a true conservative.  Look at his stand with gay marriage.  He led the effort nationally against it.  Even while he was still Governor.  Why have so many ardent conservatives, with true values as conservatives, given money to his campaign.  Mitt has raised more money that any other Republican candidate, and has thousands of volunteers on his team, who attest to his conservative values.  Please give him credit where it is due.  He will overcome the "mormon" stigma, already is.  Are you aware of just yesterday's announcement of a key endorcement of a major "born again" I believe So Carolina church leader?
Thanks for listening, Dick.  Please respond if you have time.
Nevin Limburg

Nevin Limburg, CEcD





Published on TheHill.com on October 17, 2007.

Printer-Friendly Version

Peel them away and, underneath, you have Mike Huckabee, the last survivor in the elimination tournament of the Christian right. And they could do a whole lot worse!

  Gore's Convenient Lie - Click Here Now!

Start with the dreams about Sen. George Allen (R-Va.), who became former Sen. George Allen before he could become a viable presidential candidate. Then go to Mitt Romney, his putative opponent for the designation of the right wing. But that was before he ran straight into a wall of bigotry against Mormons. The most recent polling suggests that while a majority of voters agree that "other Americans" would be amenable to a black or female candidate for president, only 36 percent feel that way about a Mormon. Unjustified. Unfair. Outrageous as it is — it nevertheless is. That prejudice and the justifiable cynicism that his flip-flop-flip on abortion engendered have held down his vote share despite massive advertising. (He was pro-life before he ran against Sen. Edward Kennedy (D) in Massachusetts, at which point he discovered a relative who died after an illegal abortion, which, convenie ntly, induced a change of heart. He remained pro-choice as a governor of the most liberal state in America until, as he contemplated entering the GOP primary for president, he realized that abortion had cultivated a contempt for life and so decided to become pro-life — equally conveniently.)

Whatever the reason, Mitt Romney's lack of appeal led conservatives to search under various other burning bushes (no pun) to find a new standard-bearer. Their choice became Fred Thompson. But then it turned out that he had actually accepted a fee to lobby for a weakening of anti-abortion regulations and had waffled on the issue in the '90s in candidate questionnaires. That fact, combined with his lack of knowledge of issues and his aversion to hard work, have sent his candidacy into a downward spiral. Voters on the right understand that Fred can't stand up to Hillary in a debate. Hey, he might not stay awake that long.

So it became "Where have you gone, Newt Gingrich? The nation turns its lonely eyes to you." But Newt took one look at Hillary and decided he really wanted to head a nonprofit foundation educating voters on solutions for America instead of being president of the Unit ed States, so he pulled out before he ever got in.

In the meantime, plugging away in the shadows, with no money and no political backing, an articulate, principled, knowledgeable, conservative Christian, Mike Huckabee, has been plowing the fields in Iowa hoping to catch a break. He is witty, sincere, dedicated and courageous in his own way. With a minus share of the vote, he kept at it and refused to pander on the one hand or give up on the other.

I first met Mike when I became his consultant in his race for lieutenant governor of Arkansas. He was a refreshing change from my previous Arkansas client, but you probably know that story. I was impressed when I first asked Mike about his views on parole for violent felons. I anticipated a standard right-wing response. Instead, he said, "Oh, no, the Christian concept of forgiveness requires that we allow parole. We just have to use it wisely." I was amazed … and sold.

What, I wondere d, would a right-wing Christian activist do as governor of a state? He would sign off on the death penalty, veto abortion, oppose gay rights and insist on the Pledge of Allegiance, but then what would he do for the balance of his term in office? Mike Huckabee answered the question. He set up programs to fight childhood obesity, reformed prisons to emphasize reforming inmates, put values back in education and became a highly popular governor.

Now he churns his way to the forefront of the pack in the Republican primary. He's still broke, but still finished a strong second in the Ames, Iowa, straw poll with 18 percent of the vote.

Now in Iowa polls he has moved ahead of McCain and, in some trial heats, ahead of Romney. Rasmussen has him rising to 7 percent nationally. (Full disclosure: If he breaks 10, I win a dinner from Bill O'Reilly.) But he has the best of all possible worlds: Rivals who are falling of their own weight. So here comes Mike.

Gore's Convenient Lie - Click Here Now!




***Copyright Eileen McGann and Dick Morris 2007.  Reprints with permission only***

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The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Should Businessmen Go on Strike?


Ayn Rand Institute Press Release

Should Businessmen Go on Strike?
October 12, 2007

Irvine, CA--In a week characterized by important labor stoppages, Chrysler workers went out on strike in Michigan, British postal workers returned to work while threatening further walkouts, and registered nurses started a 48-hour strike in Northern California.

"Job actions by employees are commonplace, yet we never see similar protests by the individuals who create jobs in the first place," said Thomas Bowden, an analyst at the Ayn Rand Institute. "In her magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged, published 50 years ago this week, Rand's fictional hero, John Galt, gave voice to the undeserved suffering of businessmen when he said:

"There is only one kind of men who have never been on strike in human history. Every other kind and class have stopped, when they so wished, and have presented demands to the world, claiming to be indispensable--except the men who have carried the world on their shoulders, have kept it alive, have endured torture as sole payment, but have never walked out on the human race."

"John Galt was defending the businessmen who create and operate the companies that generate steel, oil, medicine, computers, and all the other goods and services on which our lives and happiness depend,"

Bowden said. "The entrepreneurs, the executives, the investors and bankers, the top-level managers--these are truly indispensable men and women on whose creativity all other workers depend for their jobs."

"Why," Bowden asked, "do so many of these capitalist heroes continue to toil away, creating jobs for a society that morally condemns their desire for personal profit as selfish and materialistic, and subjects them to government control as if they were beasts of burden? What keeps those individuals from going on strike? In Atlas Shrugged, Rand answers these questions, showing why nothing less than a moral revolution is needed to set businessmen free from the shackles of unearned guilt."

### ### ###


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Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
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The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Pretty Funny Charity Auction on eBay

In light of the Michael Vick controversy, this member of eBay is taking him to the dog house.  Ok, so maybe just some of his trading cards.  Check out this auction that fetched $7400.  (Puns intended)
Hope Y'all have a good week, and GO UTES!

Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
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The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fwd: Celebrating Income Inequality

The following article is a truism.  Please read it for your knowledge and enjoyment.
All who have WANTED to make money in this economy, whether bearish or bullish, have done so.  They have accomplished this by purchasing great stocks, investing in managed funds, 401ks, IRAs, building their own businesses, patenting their own ideas, and brokering business and product deals under trade secrecy.
Don't you think that if 'Income Equality" were really a 'problem', and that control of the 'Nation's Wealth' could trly be accoplished, that the wealthy Bill Gates would have squashed people like eBay founder Pierre Omydiar, Google Co-Founder Larry Page, and MySpace founder Chris DeWolfe?
It goes without saying.  OF COURSE HE WOULD HAVE.  But that is not how it works.  Those three, among many others, are Billionaires due to their ideas and passions.  They all were middle to lower class workers, professors, or students before making the big time. 
What's more is that their 'valuation', or rise to the top, took investment from others.  Investment is democratic.  Anyone can invest, and startups will take any investment money they can get.  They are hardly restrictive.
There are many ways to making money and success.  You just have to find one that works for you.
Wealth is not a finite thing. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ayn Rand Institute Op-ed <media@aynrand.org>
Date: Jul 25, 2007 6:14 PM
Subject: Celebrating Income Inequality


Ayn Rand Institute oped

Celebrating Income Inequality

By Alex Epstein

Democrat and Republican candidates for President are debating one another on nearly every issue--but nearly all are united on one thing: America faces a crisis of "income inequality." The rich are getting richer, the refrain goes, while the poor and middle class are held back by stagnating wages, lousy schools, and growing healthcare costs. The solution, we are told, is more government intervention: spend more on education, provide "universal healthcare," and force employers to raise wages through minimum-wage increases and union protection legislation.

But all of this outcry is based on a false premise--that income inequality is bad. While some of the problems critics point to are legitimate concerns, income inequality is not. Income inequality is a natural and desirable part of a free, prosperous society.

Criticisms of income inequality are always couched in a certain type of language. For example, it is claimed that wealthier Americans "command" an "unfair share" of our "national wealth." Such language implies that American wealth is a communal pie that belongs equally to all of us.

But it is no such thing.

The vast wealth that exists in America has been created--through the productive activities and voluntary arrangements of individuals. And individuals do not necessarily create the same amount of wealth. Compare the value brought into existence by the entrepreneur whose productivity software is eagerly bought by millions--and the checkout clerk at a store that sells it. Such vast differences in productivity--which can be caused by vast differences in ability, work ethic, interests, skills, and choices--are the root of vast differences in income.

Because all wealth is created, it rightly belongs to those who earn it (or their chosen beneficiaries)--and no one can rightly claim to deserve wealth earned by others. If someone wants to make more money, he is free to enter a new field, gain new knowledge, start a business, or do anything else to enable himself to create more value.

It is often implied that the rich get richer at the expense of everyone else--that if some get big slices of pie, the rest get only crumbs. But the exact opposite is true. Since wealth (including pie) is created, there is no limit to how much can exist--and the wealth of others cannot inhibit us from creating and enjoying our own. Further, the wealth creation of the richest Americans makes us far more productive and well-off.

Consider how the wealthiest individuals in any free economy, businessmen, make their money. The job of a businessman is to orchestrate productive enterprises that efficiently coordinate people, resources, and tools to create valuable products. Businessmen profit when they bring out valuable products at desirable prices; thus, they are continually making more, better, and cheaper products for everyone to purchase. Businessmen profit when they make others more productive; thus, they are continually seeking to create new jobs that can add to their bottom line, and providing their workers with as many productivity-enhancing tools and technologies as they can. Businessmen's pursuit of profit has been the driving force behind the incalculable increase in our standard of living over the last 150 years--and economic history shows that the freer they are left to make money, the greater the increase in productivity and wages at all levels.

What then explains the poor educational opportunities, growing healthcare costs, and stagnating wages that are real problems for many Americans?

Government policies based on the same egalitarian mentality that denounces "income inequality." In the name of giving citizens "equal access" to education and medicine, the government has virtually taken over these fields, placing crippling controls on both producers and consumers. In the name of equalizing income, it enforces minimum-wage and anti-firing laws that make it difficult for eager newcomers to enter the job market. In the name of saving us from the alleged evils of rich, Big Business, it enforces endless regulations that apply to every business, decreasing the productivity of all and making it hard for new business ventures to succeed.

In America, equality should mean only one thing: freedom for all. If business and wages were deregulated, we would see a dramatic rise in economic opportunity. If education and medicine were left free, with America's businessmen, doctors, and educators liberated to offer education and medicine at all different price points, we would see quality and price improvements like those for computers or flat-panel television sets. But these benefits of freedom require that we recognize the moral right of each individual to enjoy whatever he produces--and recognize that none of us has a right to something for nothing.

Alex Epstein is a junior fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute in Irvine, CA. The Institute promotes Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand--author of "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead." Contact the writer at media@aynrand.org.



Copyright © 2007 Ayn Rand® Institute. All rights reserved.

Op-eds, press releases and letters to the editor produced by the Ayn Rand Institute are submitted to hundreds of newspapers, radio stations and Web sites across the United States and abroad, and are made possible thanks to voluntary contributions.

If you would like to help support ARI's efforts, please make an online contribution at http://www.aynrand.org/support.

This release is copyrighted by the Ayn Rand Institute, and cannot be reprinted without permission except for non-commercial, self-study or educational purposes. We encourage you to forward this release to friends, family, associates or interested parties who would want to receive it for these purposes only. Any reproduction of this release must contain the above copyright notice. Those interested in reprinting or redistributing this release for any other purposes should contact media@aynrand.org. This release may not be forwarded to media for publication.

ARI's media releases are solicitations sent to addresses obtained from individual subscription requests. 

The Ayn Rand Institute, 2121 Alton Pkwy, Ste 250, Irvine, CA 92606 

Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
Get eXcited!


The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sheehan Finally Impeaches Herself!

Finally, Cindy Sheehan is no longer going to be leading the Anti-War protests!  As the MSN story points out, Sheehan was "drained by biting criticism and partisan politics" and has said she's "been wondering why I'm killing myself and wondering why the Democrats caved in to George Bush."  Here is the story link:
What Congress did last week by passing the war funding with no strings attached was a huge win for our country, and shows to me that "America did not speak against the war" but elected Blue-dog, "Reganist" Democrats into many of the offices that were up for election last year. 
What has that done?  It has caused stalemates in Congress and Vetos from the President, which is exactly what the businessmen were saying they wanted to have happen last October.  Why do you think the Dow Jones is hitting record highs?
I also think that having Democrats controlling Congress, (which I don't think will change come next election) will help Republicans in the Presidential election in 2008.  Historically, Americans have liked to have a different party control the opposing branch of government, so that the laws that come out of either one are laws passed by compromise.

Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
Get eXcited!

The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

FW: Hillary And Rudy Could Wrap It Up This Year

----Original Message Follows----
From: DickMorrisReports@Vote.com
Subject: Hillary And Rudy Could Wrap It Up This Year
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:29:14 -0600

Hillary And Rudy Could Wrap It Up This Year


February 8, 2007 -- The nominees for the 2008 presidential race will be
selected in 2007. The tempo of the new political process, driven by 24-hour
cable news, Internet bloggers, conservative talk radio, and liberal NPR is
so rapid that the nomination race cannot exist in stasis waiting for Iowa,
Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina to get around to holding their
votes in early 2008. Well before they open their caucuses or polling places,
this nomination, in each party, will have been decided by the national media
coverage during 2007.

In 2004, we saw the precursor of this expedited process when Howard Dean
upset Kerry's early lead in the fall of 2003, propelled ahead by his
Internet fundraising and antiwar positioning. Then, in December 2003, the
establishment media unloaded on the former Vermont governor - likely driven
by disinformation passed around by other Democratic candidates - and he was
gone by Christmas. Kerry's victory in Iowa a few weeks later was no more
than a projection on the Iowa screen of the results settled at the national
level the previous month.

A recent Gallup poll found that 35 percent of Americans - probably everyone
who votes in a caucus or primary - watch cable news stations frequently. The
intensity of viewer and voter interest and the ubiquity of the political
coverage on these stations force the process to accelerate and to come to an
early conclusion.

(Column continues below)

Editor's Note: Save your heart from cholesterol, inflammation Go Here Now!

The role of Iowa, New Hampshire, etc.

What is the role for the early, small caucus/primary states in 2007? They
will not have held their primaries or caucuses yet, but the state-by-state
polls published regularly in 2007 become the equivalent of virtual primaries
in each of these states. But to win these polls, it doesn't matter so much
what happens within each small state but what is going on nationally.
Hillary, for example, has moved from down in the pack to a lead in New
Hampshire, and perhaps in Iowa, by announcing her candidacy nationally. Her
perfunctory visits to each state likely had little to do with her surge
compared to her national media efforts.

The old model - a Jimmy Carter labors in obscurity in the Iowa vineyards and
then is discovered nationally after he wins there and sweeps all remaining
primaries - is quaint but obsolete. Now you have to win the American Media
Primary of 2007 and then your victory is ratified in the primaries and
caucuses of 2008.

The importance of the front-runner

The key for the candidates is to become the early front-runner and hold the
position for the first three quarters of 2007. Once that is accomplished,
the nomination is probably in the bag. No clear front-runner, except for
Rockefeller in 1964, has ever failed to win the nomination since the primary
process became pivotal in party nominations in 1960.

Among Democrats, Kennedy in '60, Humphrey, once he entered the race, in '68,
McGovern in '72, Carter in '76 and '80, Mondale in '84, Dukakis in '88,
Clinton in '92, Gore in '00 and Kerry in '04 were front-runners who held
their leads. Mondale, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry were front-runners who were
briefly shaken by challengers (Hart, Tsongas, Bradley and Dean) but held on
to win their nominations

Among Republicans, Nixon in '60 and '68, Ford in '76, Reagan in '80, Bush in
'88, Dole in '96, and Bush in '00 were all front-runners going in and the
nominee coming out. Only Goldwater can be said to have pulled off an upset
in 1964 by toppling Rockefeller.

So once there is a clear front-runner, he or she is likely to go all the
way. This is especially true since he or she will have won front-runner
status by intensive national media exposure rather than just insider
chatter. With the process giving him or her so much face-time so early, the
front-runner is unlikely to fade once the real primaries start.

Rudy and Hillary: tentative leaders

Already the process seems to be congealing around Hillary and Rudy as
tentative front-runners.

Hillary re-established the dominance she had back in the spring of 2006 by
moving out to a 43 percent vote share among Democrats in the presidential
primaries in the Fox News poll of January 30-31. Obama is second at 15
percent, Edwards at 12 percent and Gore at 11 percent. Hillary had been at
43 percent in a previous Fox News poll in March 2006, but slipped to 32
percent in August with most of her previous support going to either Gore or
undecided. By December 5-6 of last year, she stayed at 32 percent with Obama
at 12 percent, Gore at 11 percent and Edwards at 8 percent. But now, even
with Obama and Gore in the trial heat, she has regained her robust 43
percent vote share again. Even though media coverage of her announcement and
Iowa tour was mixed, the electorate is obviously thrilled at the prospect of
a woman candidate and rallied to her banner last month.

There is still time for Obama to recapture the charisma he seemed to have
going for him over Christmas through his book, his articulateness, his
moderation and his novelty; or for Edwards's tough antiwar and healthcare
positions to eat away at Hillary's base. But they had better get it
untracked pretty soon.

Among Republicans, Rudy Giuliani is eclipsing John McCain for front-runner
status. In the most recent Fox News poll among GOP voters, Rudy had a
convincing 34-22 lead over McCain, with Gingrich in third place at 15
percent. McCain has been hovering in the low 20s all along. In March '06, he
was at 22 percent, in August at 25 percent and in December at 23 percent.
But Giuliani has shown steady progress from 27 percent of the vote in August
to 30 percent in December to 34 percent at the end of January.

This poll finding - combined with McCain's dismal financial report for the
fourth quarter of 2006 ($1.7 million raised and less than $500,000 on hand)
- put him in a convincing second place after a year of sharing front-runner
status with Giuliani. Do McCain's fundraisers think he is running for
Congress or president?

In the battle among second-tier GOP candidates, Gingrich is moving up and
Romney is fading badly. The Fox News poll has Newt moving up from 9 percent
in December to 15 percent at the end of January while Romney has dropped
from 8 percent in December to only 3 percent on Jan. 30-31. In the wake of
George Allen's and Bill Frist's withdrawals, conservatives seem to be moving
away from the former Massachusetts governor and toward the former Speaker.

Should the right seek a real alternative to Giuliani, Romney's flip-flops
will likely disqualify him. Gingrich could develop momentum with his
strength and intellect, but he will only become a factor if he declares and
runs. If he waits on the sidelines, events will eclipse him.

Beyond Newt and Romney, GOP wannabes like Huckabee, Brownback, Hunter,
Tancredo, Gilmore and Thompson deserve some attention. Huckabee, a former
client, may be the most interesting of the bunch.

Right now, neither Rudy nor Hillary has a front-runner's lock, but they are
clearly the man and woman to beat in their respective parties.

If they hold their leads through Labor Day, my bet is that it will be all



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***Copyright Eileen McGann and Dick Morris 2007***

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Monday, February 05, 2007


----Original Message Follows----
From: DickMorrisReports@Vote.com
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 15:01:12 -0600



February 5, 2007 -- Until now, the status of front-runner in the Republican
primaries for president was jointly held by Arizona Sen. John McCain and
former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. McCain is clearly no longer the
front-runner. In the last week or so, Giuliani has moved out to a clear

* McCain's latest fund-raising report, for the fourth quarter of 2006, was
pathethic: He raised only $1.7 million and has only pocket change - $472,454
- on hand.

* A Fox News poll of Jan. 30-31 shows the former mayor jumping out to a
significant lead among Republicans - 34 to 22 percent.

* A Gallup poll taken Jan. 25-28 shows Giuliani is better liked by
Republicans than McCain -74 to 21 percent and more trusted to handle a
crisis (68-20). Some 60 percent say Giuliani "better understands the
problems of the average person," against 33 percent who pick McCain. By
58-34, America's Mayor is seen as the stronger leader.

Conversations with conservative activists also show a remarkable openness to
supporting Giuliani - a belief that he can overcome (perhaps finesse) his
pro-choice, pro-gun-control, pro-gay-rights and pro-immigration positions.
Feelings seem bitterer over McCain's role in Washington battles - his
opposition to the Bush tax cuts and his support for "amnesty" for illegal
immigrants and for campaign-finance reform.

Giuliani has developed an effective parry to charges that his pro-choice
stance would undo eight years of pro-life heavy lifting by the Bush
administration. He's saying he'd oppose partial-birth abortion and work to
continue to curtail Medicaid funding for abortion. More, he'd appoint judges
like Justices Samuel Alito and John Roberts to the Supreme Court.

None of this means the race is over, of course. Even if McCain falters, some
candidate would likely gain traction as the "true conservative" in the race.
But who?

Massachusetts' former Gov. Mitt Romney is flailing, thanks to his flip-flops
over the last decade on abortion (pro-life, then pro choice, now pro life
again) and on gay issues. These reasonable concerns - and unreasonable
bigotry about a Mormon candidate - may doom him.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich seems stalled in the low teens in the
polls and not likely to move up.

So a dark horse will probably move up. These names are still obscure, but
get to know them - lightning will soon strike at least one: Arkansas Gov.
Mike Huckabee (our favorite), Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, ex-Virginia Gov.
James S. Gilmore, former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson and Reps. Duncan
Hunter and Tom Tancredo.

If all the GOP's starters go on the disabled list, one of these minor
leaguers may make it to the World Series by capturing the Republican
domination. Of course, that "winner" will then have to face the Big Mean
Clinton Machine - which in the latest polls is looking likely to clean the
floor over in the other league.



If you want to receive free copies of all of Dick Morris' and Eileen
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***Copyright Eileen McGann and Dick Morris 2006***

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I wish to reply to this report regarding Governor Mitt Romney. I believeyou are wrong in your assessment of him, and I am one who finds himselfmostly agreeing with all of your reports.

Some say that Mitt's affiliation with The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints will be a negative for him. The people of Massachuswetts,overwhelmingly Catholic, didn't seem to think so. In fact, one people learnmore about Romney, he will be appreciated for his values that his Church ahshelped provide him with for the guiding principles of his life---just as itdid for his late father, George Romney. Mitt believes as his church does onabortion, prolife, and abortion only able to be considered in the interestof the health of the mother, rape, or incest. It is no coincidence that inUtah, a state 70 % overall LDS, or "Mormon," you will hear and see adspromoting adoption as the alternative more than any other health issue adcampaign. When Mitt ran for Governor, of course he responded that we hewould uphold and defend the laws of the State, which in MA are liberal onabortion. That does not translate to a personal belief of Mitt Romney. Heis a defender of his Church's stand on that issue as well as on the gayrights issues. Is it not Mill Romney who led out, against the will of hisown state leaders, on a call for a marriage constitutional amendment thatwould define marriage as that between a man and a woman? Check it out!Mitt put his name on the line forthrightly on that one. So, as forconservative social issues, Mitt Romney is a leader for all conservatives,republicans, democrates, and independents to get on board with.

Mitt Romney is reaching out to the evangelicals across the country, andother conservative Christian church leaders, and is making inroads with themto respond to their concerns. His message is simple to them: "We agree onthe major social issues. Let's work together for the good of the country asa whole."Just this week, Romney and some supporters staged a fund raising event inBoston, to which 400 prominent people were invited to come and help raisemoney for a Romney candidacy. Only 12 of the 400 were from Utah. By theend of the day, just under $7 M was raised, whereas the standard to thispoint for candidates who had formed the necessary exploratory committee haddone $1-2 M in an event. And the people called upon were simply asked tocommitt to a possible Romney candidacy as the next President of the US.

There will be much more support that comes forward for his campaign, becausepeople who know him can testify enthusiastically about his brilliance,understanding, articulation, leadership, charisma, charm, good nature,affability, and vision. And yes, his wife Ann is nothing but a great asset.

People of all persuations appreciate a fiscal conservative and one whovalues the use of the dollar. It is well documented what Mitt Romney'sleadership meant to the 2002 Utah Winter Olympics, taking it over during theworst scandal of the Olympics' times, and turning it around, even following9/11/2001, to become the most successful Winter Olympics ever held, with a$100 M surplus even after paying all the debts, including the public debtsto the State of Utah and the local municipalities.I am convinced that Mitt Romney will win people over just as he did in theliberal state of Massachusetts. I hope you will reconsider your positionabout a conservative choice for the Republican Party.


Subject: HELP WANTED: RIGHTY FOR '08Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 15:02:30 -0600HELP WANTED: RIGHTY FOR '08By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANNJanuary 8, 2006 -- It's getting to the point where the conservative -dominant - wing of the Republican Party needs to take out a want ad in thenewspaper or post a listing on Craigslist.com to find a candidate forpresident. In the field taking shape before our eyes, none of the top fourcontenders is likely to satisfy their delicate palates - made more arrogantand discerning by decades of victories.Rudy Guiliani? Pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, pro-gay rights,pro-immigration, pro-gun control Rudy? Righties will vote for him only ifthey have lobotomies first. Remember how the New York City Councilprohibited the Boy Scouts from meeting on city property because theywouldn't let in gay scoutmasters? Rudy let it happen.Yes. There is a war going on and of course Rudy Guiliani is the man weshould have had all along running Homeland Security. Obviously, he is thecandidate Osama would least like to see in the White House. But has thereligious right so abandoned its draconian agenda that it is willing toelect its ideological opposite president? Don't bet on it.

Sen. John McCain? The McCain of the Kennedy-McCain bill to let illegalimmigrants become citizens? Of the "anti-torture" bill to handcuff ouragents when they question terrorists? Of the McCain-Feingoldcampaign-finance bill that the right wing hates? Of the Lieberman-McCainanti-global-warming bill that addresses a problem the right doesn't believein? That John McCain for president? The right wing can't tolerate hisapostasy even if he is the pro-life candidate that Rudy isn't.Mitt Romney, who was pro-life and then switched to pro-choice when he ran tobecome Massachusetts governor and now is switching back again as he runs forpresident? The Mitt Romney who said "I will protect and defend the right ofMassachusetts women to choose?" The Romney who has flip-flopped on gayissues? Will the right wing back him? No way.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich? A man who has never valued theright-wing social agenda?And then there are the personal lives - the only one of these guys whohasn't had multiple wives is the Mormon - a church that's viewed dimly bylots of conservative Christians.Conservatives may think they are going to vote for Rudy, McCain, Newt orRomney - but wait until the negative ads start running.Part of the problem is that the agenda of the evangelical side of the partyhas expanded beyond religious issues. Somehow, the Christian right's litmustests have widened to include opposition to illegal immigration, affirmativeaction and gun control along with antipathy to gay marriage and abortion.In the flush of victories since 1980, the movement has come to expectcandidates to toe the line of their agenda . . . and to reject those whodon't.

But the Republicans have to nominate somebody and the Christian right has tohave a candidate. Who will it be? We don't have any idea, hence the want ad.Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is articulate, a former Baptist Minister and aninnovator. He even lost 100 pounds. But another Arkansas governor? Give us abreak!

Maybe Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas. Senator who? Or Rep. Duncan Hunter ofCalifornia or former Virginia Gov. James Gilmore.Or whoever answers the ad.-----------------------------------------------------PLEASE FORWARD THIS E-MAIL TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHO MAY BE INTERESTED INDICKMORRISREPORTS!TO SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE TO DICKMORRISREPORTS:If you want to receive free copies of all of Dick Morris' and EileenMcGann's commentaries, sign up at www.dickmorris.com.