Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I wish to reply to this report regarding Governor Mitt Romney. I believeyou are wrong in your assessment of him, and I am one who finds himselfmostly agreeing with all of your reports.

Some say that Mitt's affiliation with The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints will be a negative for him. The people of Massachuswetts,overwhelmingly Catholic, didn't seem to think so. In fact, one people learnmore about Romney, he will be appreciated for his values that his Church ahshelped provide him with for the guiding principles of his life---just as itdid for his late father, George Romney. Mitt believes as his church does onabortion, prolife, and abortion only able to be considered in the interestof the health of the mother, rape, or incest. It is no coincidence that inUtah, a state 70 % overall LDS, or "Mormon," you will hear and see adspromoting adoption as the alternative more than any other health issue adcampaign. When Mitt ran for Governor, of course he responded that we hewould uphold and defend the laws of the State, which in MA are liberal onabortion. That does not translate to a personal belief of Mitt Romney. Heis a defender of his Church's stand on that issue as well as on the gayrights issues. Is it not Mill Romney who led out, against the will of hisown state leaders, on a call for a marriage constitutional amendment thatwould define marriage as that between a man and a woman? Check it out!Mitt put his name on the line forthrightly on that one. So, as forconservative social issues, Mitt Romney is a leader for all conservatives,republicans, democrates, and independents to get on board with.

Mitt Romney is reaching out to the evangelicals across the country, andother conservative Christian church leaders, and is making inroads with themto respond to their concerns. His message is simple to them: "We agree onthe major social issues. Let's work together for the good of the country asa whole."Just this week, Romney and some supporters staged a fund raising event inBoston, to which 400 prominent people were invited to come and help raisemoney for a Romney candidacy. Only 12 of the 400 were from Utah. By theend of the day, just under $7 M was raised, whereas the standard to thispoint for candidates who had formed the necessary exploratory committee haddone $1-2 M in an event. And the people called upon were simply asked tocommitt to a possible Romney candidacy as the next President of the US.

There will be much more support that comes forward for his campaign, becausepeople who know him can testify enthusiastically about his brilliance,understanding, articulation, leadership, charisma, charm, good nature,affability, and vision. And yes, his wife Ann is nothing but a great asset.

People of all persuations appreciate a fiscal conservative and one whovalues the use of the dollar. It is well documented what Mitt Romney'sleadership meant to the 2002 Utah Winter Olympics, taking it over during theworst scandal of the Olympics' times, and turning it around, even following9/11/2001, to become the most successful Winter Olympics ever held, with a$100 M surplus even after paying all the debts, including the public debtsto the State of Utah and the local municipalities.I am convinced that Mitt Romney will win people over just as he did in theliberal state of Massachusetts. I hope you will reconsider your positionabout a conservative choice for the Republican Party.


Subject: HELP WANTED: RIGHTY FOR '08Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 15:02:30 -0600HELP WANTED: RIGHTY FOR '08By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANNJanuary 8, 2006 -- It's getting to the point where the conservative -dominant - wing of the Republican Party needs to take out a want ad in thenewspaper or post a listing on Craigslist.com to find a candidate forpresident. In the field taking shape before our eyes, none of the top fourcontenders is likely to satisfy their delicate palates - made more arrogantand discerning by decades of victories.Rudy Guiliani? Pro-choice, pro-affirmative action, pro-gay rights,pro-immigration, pro-gun control Rudy? Righties will vote for him only ifthey have lobotomies first. Remember how the New York City Councilprohibited the Boy Scouts from meeting on city property because theywouldn't let in gay scoutmasters? Rudy let it happen.Yes. There is a war going on and of course Rudy Guiliani is the man weshould have had all along running Homeland Security. Obviously, he is thecandidate Osama would least like to see in the White House. But has thereligious right so abandoned its draconian agenda that it is willing toelect its ideological opposite president? Don't bet on it.

Sen. John McCain? The McCain of the Kennedy-McCain bill to let illegalimmigrants become citizens? Of the "anti-torture" bill to handcuff ouragents when they question terrorists? Of the McCain-Feingoldcampaign-finance bill that the right wing hates? Of the Lieberman-McCainanti-global-warming bill that addresses a problem the right doesn't believein? That John McCain for president? The right wing can't tolerate hisapostasy even if he is the pro-life candidate that Rudy isn't.Mitt Romney, who was pro-life and then switched to pro-choice when he ran tobecome Massachusetts governor and now is switching back again as he runs forpresident? The Mitt Romney who said "I will protect and defend the right ofMassachusetts women to choose?" The Romney who has flip-flopped on gayissues? Will the right wing back him? No way.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich? A man who has never valued theright-wing social agenda?And then there are the personal lives - the only one of these guys whohasn't had multiple wives is the Mormon - a church that's viewed dimly bylots of conservative Christians.Conservatives may think they are going to vote for Rudy, McCain, Newt orRomney - but wait until the negative ads start running.Part of the problem is that the agenda of the evangelical side of the partyhas expanded beyond religious issues. Somehow, the Christian right's litmustests have widened to include opposition to illegal immigration, affirmativeaction and gun control along with antipathy to gay marriage and abortion.In the flush of victories since 1980, the movement has come to expectcandidates to toe the line of their agenda . . . and to reject those whodon't.

But the Republicans have to nominate somebody and the Christian right has tohave a candidate. Who will it be? We don't have any idea, hence the want ad.Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is articulate, a former Baptist Minister and aninnovator. He even lost 100 pounds. But another Arkansas governor? Give us abreak!

Maybe Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas. Senator who? Or Rep. Duncan Hunter ofCalifornia or former Virginia Gov. James Gilmore.Or whoever answers the ad.-----------------------------------------------------PLEASE FORWARD THIS E-MAIL TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHO MAY BE INTERESTED INDICKMORRISREPORTS!TO SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE TO DICKMORRISREPORTS:If you want to receive free copies of all of Dick Morris' and EileenMcGann's commentaries, sign up at www.dickmorris.com.

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