Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Reply: The Election, my final reflections

The thing that makes me more calm are the statistics for voter turnout.  This time America really did come out and speak their voice, with over 110 million votes and over 66% voter turnout.  I believe in the democratic-republic system so geniusly prescribed by Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Washington, and the other founding fathers, and if that system elected Barack Obama in the end, then I believe as all of you do that we can only rally behind our new president in patriotism, supporting him where we agree and opposing him where we differ in ideals.

Something else I realized last night.  I really can't complain about my life so far, most everything has been good.  There are a few notable catastrophic events that took place such as the Gulf War, the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, and Columbine, but overall the economies have always been good, there has never been a draft, and the information revolution occurred while I was still young, so I have been able to be a participant in practically the whole of it.

Interestingly, I was born during the Regan administration which totaled the first 5 years of my life.  Then we had Bush senior, making 9 years of my life under a Republican president.  Then we had Clinton for 8 years, and then Bush for another 8 years, totaling 17 of my 25 years under a Republican.  With this in mind I am interested to see what 4 added years to the democrat side of the equation will bring.  I will be 29 when the next election for president is held.  What am I going to accomplish for myself, my family, and my country in those 4 years?

It will be interesting to see if other Americans are asking the same questions about themselves ("ask what you can do for your country") or if they will be asking what their new president and government will do for them ("ask what your country can do for you").  While I am excited to see that Americans on both sides became more involved this time, they have yet to prove that they will stand up and take action for themselves to improve their lives and their situation.  I guess time will tell.


Tijs Limburg

The Election, my final reflections

A letter I received in regards to the election last night.

Dear Friends,

You know that I was quite passionate about the presidential elections.  Today, the day after, I am quite mellow about it, and at peace.  I listened well to both speeches last night following John McCain's concession to Barack Obama.  I want to follow what McCain said that we should all do as Americans, and that is work together to solve our problems.  I believe McCain delivered the most dignified, classy, generous, respectful, and positive concession speech that I have ever heard from a candidate.  I also believe that President-Elect Obama's speech was truly inspirational and that he positively reached out to all Americans, and I want him to succeed in what he said.  He absolutely must come more to the center of the political arena to accomplish what he promised, and I will remain a conservative with the values that I have to help in my small way to be a voice to bring about a greater America.  I invite all of you to join me in that, or to just do what your own desires dictate to contribute to the cause of a more righteous behavior in our government and across this great land of the free.

Your friend,


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Politics and Halloween

Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
Get eXcited!


The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Fox Poll: McCain Tied in Key States

Again, Dick Morris predicts if Obama is at 49% or below and undecided
voters break for McCain, McCain wins.

Check this out.  Hope Fox News is right!

Breaking from

Fox Poll: McCain Tied in Key States

A just-released Fox News poll of 1,000 voters in each of six key states shows Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain making major last minutes strides to pull even with his Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama.

While Obama leads in two of the battlegrounds states, the candidates are now tied, or within 1 point of each other, in four others, according to the Rasmussen Reports survey.

In Ohio, one of the states that McCain's supporters believe they have to win, McCain has pulled dead even. Obama and McCain are now tied in Ohio, at 49 percent apiece.

Here are the results from the Fox News poll:


Obama 51

McCain 47


McCain 50

Obama 49


Obama 49

McCain 49

N. Carolina

McCain 50

Obama 49


Obama 49

McCain 49


Obama 51

McCain 47

The poll has a plus or minus margin of error of 3 percent.

Sponsored Note: The can still buy TV ads in key swing states — help them now and donate...Go Here Now

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Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
Get eXcited!


The "Don't Tread on Me" Flag: The First Navy Jack is enjoying renewed popularity these days thanks to an order from the Secretary of the Navy that directs all U.S. Navy ships to fly the First Navy Jack for the duration of the War on Terrorism.