Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Election, my final reflections

A letter I received in regards to the election last night.

Dear Friends,

You know that I was quite passionate about the presidential elections.  Today, the day after, I am quite mellow about it, and at peace.  I listened well to both speeches last night following John McCain's concession to Barack Obama.  I want to follow what McCain said that we should all do as Americans, and that is work together to solve our problems.  I believe McCain delivered the most dignified, classy, generous, respectful, and positive concession speech that I have ever heard from a candidate.  I also believe that President-Elect Obama's speech was truly inspirational and that he positively reached out to all Americans, and I want him to succeed in what he said.  He absolutely must come more to the center of the political arena to accomplish what he promised, and I will remain a conservative with the values that I have to help in my small way to be a voice to bring about a greater America.  I invite all of you to join me in that, or to just do what your own desires dictate to contribute to the cause of a more righteous behavior in our government and across this great land of the free.

Your friend,


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