Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care Rights

In response to this Forbes article, I sent the following to Senator Hatch and will also send a similar letter to each of my other representatives, and hope you will do the same.





To The Honorable Senator Orrin Hatch,


Firstly, thank you for taking time to read this letter.  I believe it to be one of the most important aspects of the American life to be able to be represented and give our trust to those we elect to make the proper decisions in our behalf.  However, at times I believe it is also important that the representatives ensure that when their constituents cry out loudly for or against something, even if they believe differently, that they vote in a way to represent the majority of their constituents.


Senator, you have served our great State respectively, and I am proud of the freedoms we enjoy in Utah.  As a 25 year old working class citizen who is also attending schooling at the University of Utah and working a full time job as a software developer, I am very concerned about the health care issue.

I strongly believe and advocate that health care issues such as those being debated in Washington should really be left up to the individual States to be decided, and should not be mandated federally.  If a State decides that they want a Universal Health Care program, such as Massachusetts did, they should be able to decide within their State whether that is right for their population.  But other States should have the option of electing to keep things as they are if they like.  No one population is the same, and trying to govern in such ways when it comes to health care I believe is highly inefficient, and will prove to be dysfunctional.  As always, the larger populations will win out against the smaller ones, and we will be forced to follow policies which for example may be necessary for larger, highly urbanized populations, but are not necessary for us.


And as you know, the Senate was instituted for that reason.  To protect the interests of the smaller States and give them an equal voice to the larger States in a governing entity. 


Utahns are self-reliant.  We understand the need for employment, good health care, participating in the system of government, and being good citizens.  We have different healthcare needs than Californians, New Yorkers, and others.  We should be able to set our own policies within our State on how we want Health Care to operate.  For instance, we have a higher rate of birth here, and a younger population.  Therefore our Health Care policies should be reflective of that and our Insurers should be able to work their policies around those facts.  I fear that a nationalized, or Universal and federally mandated system like the one being proposed at the least would be either too general or too specific in how it goes about making laws regarding even just those two aspects of the Health Care system for Utah.


Please vote against  the health care plans being proposed in Congress, and tell them, as well as the President, that this is a State issue and that this debate should be sent to the 50 State legislatures to decide upon for their own populations.




Tijs G. Limburg







Associate Software Developer


2300 South 2300 West

Salt Lake City, Utah 84119







3form Technical Support 877.649.2670


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