Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Response In Favor of Utah's Immigration Compact - Specifically HB116

The title of this article includes a link to a youtube post I did were I talk further of my support for the Utah Immigration Laws that were passed today.  Be sure to listen to parts one, two, and three.  In case you need them, each of the links are also provided below.

I will say this as a lead in to the discussion.  The Utah Republicans had better think before they cause an uproar within the Utah Republican Party over this by using the primaries to oust politicians that supported this bill.  The last time something similar happened, and on a national scale, was when the Immigration Reform Act created a huge divide within the Repubs in May of 2006.   That fall, the divided Republicans couldn't overcome their stronger Democratic counterparts, and lost big time.  The momentum carried into the Presidential Election, and Obama was elected in.

If Utah Republicans are not careful, we may see something similar happen where less-conservative-more-moderate people like me relinquish support of the party as these party line delegates push their ultra-right candidates through the primaries.  That would likely lead to our first Democratic governor in quite some time, and possibly a Democratic legislature.

But beyond that, this issue is about doing what's right and an enforcement policy mixed with a guest worker program is a great solution, and says to Washington, wake up, or let the States decide on the issues you fail to take up!

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