Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Understanding Iran & Lebanon

Understanding Iran & Lebanon

By Bill O’Reilly

"President Bush firmly believes the terror war is playing out in Iraq and that if Iran gets influence there, which it would should America leave, terrorism becomes dramatically stronger. Millions of Americans do not support the President on Iraq, but overall the President is correct about worldwide terrorism. It's not going away, even if we do get out of Iraq. Last week the UN talked tough about separating Hezbollah and Israel. This week France, which led the cease fire movement, shocked many by offering just 400 troops. Once again France epitomizes the world and its failure to confront the murdering terrorists. As the prime terror facilitator, Iran must be having a blast. It well understands that France and most of Europe is weak and scared, and that China and Russia see any weakening of the US as more important than fighting terror. The hateful Iranian leadership will defy the UN on nukes because it knows the UN is also weak and afraid. Back here we're a divided country - far left ideologues oppose most anti-terror methods. But there is a divide between the far left and the regular folks. I believe many Americans understand the terror danger, but are tired of bad news from Iraq. But being tired is no excuse - we all have an obligation to pay attention to this war and to vote for people not along party lines, but for those who have a clue as to how to win this terror war."

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