Monday, November 03, 2008

Fox Poll: McCain Tied in Key States

Again, Dick Morris predicts if Obama is at 49% or below and undecided
voters break for McCain, McCain wins.

Check this out.  Hope Fox News is right!

Breaking from

Fox Poll: McCain Tied in Key States

A just-released Fox News poll of 1,000 voters in each of six key states shows Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain making major last minutes strides to pull even with his Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama.

While Obama leads in two of the battlegrounds states, the candidates are now tied, or within 1 point of each other, in four others, according to the Rasmussen Reports survey.

In Ohio, one of the states that McCain's supporters believe they have to win, McCain has pulled dead even. Obama and McCain are now tied in Ohio, at 49 percent apiece.

Here are the results from the Fox News poll:


Obama 51

McCain 47


McCain 50

Obama 49


Obama 49

McCain 49

N. Carolina

McCain 50

Obama 49


Obama 49

McCain 49


Obama 51

McCain 47

The poll has a plus or minus margin of error of 3 percent.

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