Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bush and Rumsfeld - Why so late?

Late move confuses both sides as questions fly; We have the 'answer' to why it happened so late

So Rummy and Bush decided to make the 2006 election period extremely interesting. And that is an understatement. From all reports and sources, it can be gathered that would Rumsfeld have resigned his post in September with Bush's approval, Republicans would have had a greater chance at keeping control.

So why did they wait till Nov 8th to announce the resignation. A resignation that, again, from all reports can be gathered, was in the stream of conciousness for at least a few weeks before the election. Bush even made up his mind on the Sunday before the election day. So, what is the purpose of this? Shouldn't Bush have helped the party by announcing this before the election?

My Dad and I think we have an answer. Bush's answer is that he didn't want to make it a political issue. This is a good, and necessary, political answer. But signs point to Bush stiff arming his own party. The Republican party was facing, and had faced, all kinds of corruption issues. They were madly overspending, much to their own demise and Hypocirsy, since the Newt Gingrich GOP prided itself on constraint, balanced budget, and a corruption free environment.

The Republicans in congress also fought against some bills that Bush wanted passed, such as immigration reforms. These bills were halted, torn apart and killed in the Capitol, logn before they had the chance of reaching the White House. So, what do you do with a Congress that is flailing, unsopportive of your homefront agendas, and helping to make you look bad?

You let Rummy resign after the Dems beat the party handily.

You don't campaign big on supportive issues such as the economy.

You don't campaign in tough races.

Don't be fooled. Carl Rove is a campaign genius. If this wasn't a 'good' strategy for Bush, he wouldn't have let it happen. But, I think they see internal issues in the GOP that they didn't and don't like, so they turned their backs.

Bush knows how to work with blue dog Democrats. He did so in Texas as governor, and many great things were passed for the state. Ronald Reagan also knew how to do it, and did it his entire 8 years in office. (There were also more Democrats in congress then, than the newly elected 228 democrat member house and 51 member senate)

And lastly, by having Democrats win, and then giving them what they wanted (as you sometimes do to a child to let them learn a lesson: that what they want isn't always best for them) in firing Rumsfeld, they now can no longer blame him for the current affairs in the war. They'll only have themselves to blame, because now the silver lining is exposed.

Now the silver platter is theirs to drop. Time will tell if Nanci Pelosi can live up to her words, and truly work with the President as she said in her victory speech. I should add that only two days before, she called the President an idiot and other malicious names.

Take it or leave it, this is our theory.

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