Friday, September 26, 2008

Dense Politicians

Your question was:  Were elected officials as dense 40 years ago and earlier as they are now?


Answer:  The only thing I did politically 40 years ago was write a song about Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ as the media called him).


I'm LBJ from the USA.

I'm the President of the government.

We shot down John on a Dallas Street

And killed Jack Ruby which was quiet a treat

Now I control the Presidency.


Oh, happy 'ol LBJ, yeh, yeh, yeh

Happy 'ol LBJ


When I went upon the hill

They would always pass my bill.

I like medi-care cause it helped save my hair.

Throughout the country the democrats knew

Oh, republican down with you.

When you go to vote we'll get a hold of you.


Oh, happy 'ol LBJ, yeh, yeh, yeh

Happy 'ol LBJ


We dropped our bombs on Vietnam.


(I don't remember the rest of it but you get the jist)


There is a tune to this but I would have to sing it for you.

-Garth Limburg

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