Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Re: Romney-McCain

Wow, just the numbers showing "Strongly Obama" would put him at 291, where 270 is needed to win.  That is not very good news.  McCain better start fighting harder and attacking Obama on the issues, not saying how much he'll support the Veterans, etc., etc., like he did in the last debate.
I want to see some "straight talk" in the next debate.  I'm also fearful that these numbers will only solidify further in Obama's favor this week after the VP debate.  Palin is going to have an uphill battle against Joe Biden.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Limburg, Garth wrote:

The winning ticket would have been Romney-McCain.  McCain wouldn't put Romney on the ticket but is there any doubt Romney would not have chosen McCain?  Romney on top of the ticket…….better debater, more knowledgeable on the economy, better looking, taller, more presidential, true person outside Washington.  Romney would not have had to suspend his campaign to go to Washington because he was not part of Washington!  Dick now admits this move hurt McCain.  Romney could have presented his own financial bailout and then criticized both Congress and Obama for their proposals.  Obama could not tie him to Bush because Romney did not spend his life in Washington.  Again, the Republican Party has failed us and nominated the wrong person.  I hope Dick Morris and the radical evangelicals are happy!

 Dick Morris' electoral map with poll results as of Sept 30th.  Even Arizona, McCain's home state is in play now.


Tijs Limburg
Chairman and CTO of DMX - Digital Media eXceleron, Inc.
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