Friday, August 11, 2006

Analysis: Terrorism Abroad

Yesterday was another reminder of two very important things. 1: That terrorists do not care about human life, liberty, or justice. They do not believe that "all men are created equal", and they do not care if they even kill their own fellow Muslims.
2: It was also a reminder that WE THE PEOPLE are not alone in this fight against terror, and this is evidenced in the collaberation between many lands in hunting down this particular cell. What demogogs and leftists would like you to belive, that we are losing this war on all fronts and most especially in Iraq, is not true, and yesterday is evidence of that.

If our country's leaders were to still have a pre 9/11 mentality as a majority, we most likely would never have known terrorists were planning such an attack on human life, until we all watched the newscasts of planes falling from the sky, and FAA investigators trolling the Deep Atlantic for the wreckage.

Fortunately, we have people in office who understand the meaning of life, freedom, and liberty that they are willing to put their political careers to the test and on the line, and fight for truth and liberty. This is what kept us from having to write August 10th - 13th in our journals and memories as yet another destructive day for democracy. Unfotunately, even as we speak, those who have fought for these noble causes are being voted out. Senator Lieberman is one of the first. This means that this election year could be another very important and decicive election, that could turn the course of this country from Northward to Southward quite easily.

And if there is any doubt that this is a "Global War on Terror" or a World War, just read the following paragraphs from the MSN News report yesterday:

"British authorities said Thursday they thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up 10 aircraft heading to the U.S. using explosives smuggled in hand luggage, averting what police described as “mass murder on an unimaginable scale.

Officials told NBC News that the alleged mastermind of the plot is still in Pakistan and has yet to be captured...

Some plotters had already purchased tickets on a flight to stage a test run planned for this weekend...

the plot was on British officials’ radar for about two weeks and that several of the people involved had been monitored for several months...

At least one of the plotters attended a terrorist training camp in Pakistan...

British investigators had the terror cell under close surveillance for several months, keeping the U.S. informed...

For the past several days, the FBI has feverishly looked for any potential ties to terrorists in the U.S., but has not found any.

“We literally in the last couple of weeks have had hundreds of FBI agents around the country tracking down every lead...,"FBI Director Robert Mueller told NBC...

News of the arrests and extreme security measures in London, a major international aviation hub, sent ripples throughout the world...

ABC News quoted sources as saying Western intelligence agencies had identified three of the alleged ringleaders. It said two were believed to have traveled recently to Pakistan and later had money wired to them from Pakistan...

French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said in Paris they “appear to be of Pakistani origin.”

Pakistan’s government said later its intelligence agents helped Britain crack the plot and had arrested two to three suspects...

Chertoff said the plot had the hallmarks of an operation planned by al-Qaida, the terrorist group behind the Sept. 11 attack on the United States.

“It was sophisticated, it had a lot of members and it was international in scope. "

(Emphasis was added) The full story by NBC can be seen here on

The emboldened words show that this was a cross border operation to hone in on these cells, and to try to find any others. This is a global fight. And while leftists such as Al Gore continue to fight an actually disputeable war (scientists disagree entirely on Global Warming) on "...A Global problem..." [see AL GORE below], I think a much more important and lifesaving war is being fought by brave counterintelligence agents, millitary, politicians, and american citizens, as well as foriegn countries, to stop these attacks proactively. I think it is much more worth it to fight a proactive war, than to have to sift through rubble and debris like we did almost 5 years ago.

I never want to see that happen again, if it can at all be avoided.

- [Al Gore was quoted as saying "Global Warming is a Global problem, that must be stopped." (As Tim Allen would say) Gee, thanks Al, for that deep insight! I guess he and his cohort Bill (or as Patton would have called him, Willie) did not see the anihilation of thousands of lives over their span of 8 years in office as a threat OR a global problem. They were never quoted as saying such. And that's a memo.]

See also my words published by the McLeher News Hour 5 years ago.

As well as these words, which I sent to many Politicians in the aftermath of September 11th, 2001, and which still ring true today:

A Creed for Liberty; A Call to Defend

They attacked everything that is good, and glorious
about America. They attempted to Divide the very
threads of true freedom, justice, and peace. They
tore at the works of great men who were in the
callings of God to bring forth this nation. They
ripped at every life that died to make this nation
free, true martyrs in the sights of God. They call us
evil, when it is our nation that strives so willingly
to help the poor, needy, and hungry, not only within
our bounds, but in all other nations. They lashed at
those who sacrificed all to come and settle this
beautiful and promised land. They call us cowards,
when we have fought endlessly to end world conflict in
Wartime and Peacetime. Only in Building this nation
did we ever take offense against others. The
Mayflower, The Boston Tea Party, Our Founding Fathers,
every proud citizen that ever claimed to be an
American, every American who died in battle, or for
his beliefs, was mocked, all of our good deeds
forgotten, only our bad remembered by them. From
within our great nation of exploration, learning,
innovation, preservation, and beauty unmatched
anywhere on earth, they attempted to destroy us. It
is a sad chapter in the lives of those who are
American enough to stand by Her, defending peace,
defending liberty. I cry, and cry, to think what a
great thing they tried to take from this earth. I ask
why, why? No other nation in the history of the world
has done so much for mankind, whether providing safe
shelter, or walking on the moon, or bringing the
world closer together. What is so evil about these?
No, we are not always moral, friendly, or righteous
enough to be worthy of the blessings which God himself
bestows upon this nation and Her people, of this we
must do better. They celebrated, we mourned, we go
on. WE pick up the broken pieces, of body, building,
and morale, and move on, toward, closer toward that
day. When peace is ours, all over the world. For
peace is not only the absence of what is wrong, it is
also the presence of what is right.
Their attack criticized and forgot every great thing
this nation has accomplished. Whether by raising and
praising aspiring young children into great men and
women for mankind, or welding those great chains of
unity ever stronger to defeat the enemy. Many times
America has faced impossible foes, the British, the
Nazis to name a few. Now we fight a new war. Not
just to make war, and kill, as this has never been,
and will never be the purpose of America. But WE must
defend our Title of Liberty, Our Star Spangled Banner,
and we must fight to defend the rights of all men,
everywhere. WE strive as a nation to make all men
equal in creation. WE fight for peace, justice, hope,
virtue, love, charity, religion, liberty, and all men
on earth. Some will die, on both sides. But it is
better that one man die than an entire world dwindle
in unbelief, and hatred toward one another. May God
have mercy on the cowardly men who enacted this grief.
Our peacetime was joyus, enlightening, and wonderful.
But again it is time to pay the debt for our freedom.
To defend our freedom. To keep freedom alive. It
has been said, and is true, that freedom is not free.
WE THE PEOPLE must unite together in hope and love one
with another, to vanquish the foe, and set the world
at peace anew. WE have come together many times
before, WE have come together today to render
assistance to our fellow citizens, to sift through
rubble for remains of many American dreams, many in
pieces. Forever Raise our Title of Liberty. It can
be done, it Will be done. God forever bless America!

-Tijs G. Limburg

(c)2001 Tijs G. Limburg. All Rights Reserved. Please contact for a printed copy of "A Creed for Liberty; A Call to Defend".

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