Monday, August 21, 2006

Qwest is Full of it!

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Limburg 
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 3:52 PM
To: Limburg, Garth
Subject: Re: What A Propaganda Article Brought To You By Qwest

What a joke. Why are they trying to keep people in the dark and
behind the technology age? They and other telecommunications companies
like AT&T are trying to make us think we need more than we really do.
How many phones does one person need? Isn't the goal of technology
today to make things smaller, more simple, easier to use, and more
affordable. Unfortunately those blinded by the corporate world where
more is better (in their case more money and more stuff for the
consumer) they will see themselves clouded and cluttered with the
past. Of course for a company like this to make money they must use
every effort to be the Harold Hill travelling salesman Instead of
these companies investing in the future where they could profit even
more from the capabilities of fiber opticts, voice over ip services,
and the new age of cell phones, they fight against these technologies
like it's an ugly step child. There future however is determined. They
are courageous captains that are going down with the sinking ship.

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