Monday, August 21, 2006

RE: What A Propaganda Article Brought To You By Qwest


It appears you have a good case for another letter to the editor to the
Trib. go for it!


>From: "Limburg, Garth" <
>Subject: What A Propaganda Article Brought To You By Qwest
>Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 14:25:54 -0600
>An article appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune today (8-21-2006) trying to
>scare the hell out of anyone who doesn't have a landline telephone or is
>contemplating dropping the one they have. It appears that someone over
>at Qwest got to the Tribune and convinced them that the issue has merit
>enough for an article. The bottom line of the article is that everyone
>needs to maintain a landline telephone for emergency and safety reasons.
>If this is such a concern of Qwest why the $25.00 a month charge for a
>copper wire coming into your home or apartment? As part of that $25.00
>a month charge why does Qwest continue to collect (they give you no
>choice) access charges to their network and extended area calling
>charges to places you never call? They can't give you a good reason why
>a residential line costing $11.00 a month suddenly balloons to $25.00.
>Must be the charges that still pay for the Spanish-American War of 1898
>(which Congress has ordered removed by-the-way). Qwest tries to explain
>the necessity of a landline telephone this way:
>The landline is necessary because the battery in a cell phone can't be
>charged during a power outage while a landline telephone will continue
>to work even with the power out.
>Emergency calls to 911 can't be traced back to an exact location using a
>cell phone while landline telephones give 911 operators exact locations
>of the emergency.
>First, doesn't Qwest know that cell phone batteries can be charged in an
>automobile? Da! Besides that, most homes and apartments have more than
>one cell phone user today. What is the chance that all the cell phones
>in one place have batteries that need to be charged during a power
>Second, hasn't Qwest heard of enhanced 911? Unbelievable! After the
>guy in Provo died in his apartment about two years ago because he didn't
>have a landline telephone and called 911 on his cell phone and the 911
>operator screwed up by not getting the right address from the guy so he
>died! The family sued Provo City and the City as well as every other
>911 call center in the State has moved over to enhanced 911 service that
>now automatically picks up the location from the cell phone call. Of
>course there was no mention of this in the Tribune article.
>It is amazing how stupid Qwest is and how desperate they are to maintain
>their landlines by scaring people. I am extremely disappointed that the
>Tribune would fall for this garbage and actually print it. -Garth-

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