Sunday, August 20, 2006

Update On Hollywood Post

I have added a "comment" on the response to the "Hollywood" post entitled "I Agree, Nevin". It is a letter that I have now sent sent to politicians and political pundits on the 20th of August. The letter includes references you may want to look up dealing with current debates by ICANN, the Internet governance board, and descisions they are making that could affect you and I. I have researched their debate, and thus have come up with the conclusions and opinions stated in the posted follow-up comment. Your support for our view on this type of legislation and action is going to be neccessary to get these types of motions passed by government officials. Please visit and to write your Congressmen and notify them of your support of our viewpoiont. Lets get a petition started!

Please also feel free to use the letter to send to your Congressmen!

You can take a shortcut to "I Agree, Nevin" by clicking the title of this article.

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